Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday is "Funday"

Ah, Sunday.  Sunlight through my bedroom windows awaken me.  I stroll into the kitchen in my embroidered robe, fix a cup of tea, and ease into the couch cushions.  I reflect on my accomplishments of the passed week and, before musing about the days ahead, I focus on the next dozen plus hours.  Perhaps I'll share a nice brunch with friends, catch a movie, and zone out before a televised football game.  Yes, Sunday is Funday - an entire day devoted to the carefree exploits of yours truly.  

I wish this image were true.  In some ways I'm the odd gunslinger out of we seven stufessionals. I do not carry one full-time job from Monday to Friday, tally hours in class on Saturday, and reserve Sunday to myself.  Rather, I work several jobs every day of the week in an archaic, sleep-bamboozled schedule that keeps my head above water and arse in the classroom.

On a typical Sunday, I wake late and groggy from working the previous evening in a wine bar after a full day in class.  Yes, you are correct, I go to school from 9 a.m.-5 p.m each Saturday then work from 6:30 p.m. until 2 a.m.

Sunday finds me restoring my body through rest and infusing my brain with knowledge through study.  I am not at the dispense of whim.  I am a student who supports himself by working 40 plus hours a week.  I take what free time I can to craft quality work.

I am committed to personal and professional growth.  To accomplish this I must sacrifice a large portion of my Sunday.  I may take a cup of tea from my spot on the couch, but once that cup is empty, I've got work to do. 

- Jared

[Jared Macary supported and led communication outreach campaigns in urban and rural Togo, West Africa from 2004-2007.  As a current Master of Arts Public Communication candidate at American University in Washington, DC, Jared continues to strengthen strategic and tactical programming]


The Stufessionals said...

Here's looking at you kid

43-44 said...

Well Well, who would have thought that Sunday would be our "Fun day"?

When you are working full-time (and are not studying) Sunday somehow becomes a "depressing and short day" since the next day (Monday) is a workday all over again,regardless if you love what you do or not!

Great definition guys, I consider myself a stufessional too and because of that I love my Sundays and sometimes can't wait for it to come!!!